Saturday, 27 December 2008


There are only a handful of days left now for Liverpool's year of culture and this time next week it will be 'Liverpool's year of the environment 2009'.

Although local people should have had more opportunities to ehxibit their own culture rather than most of the 'culture' being imported at great cost,there has been an awakening for many Liverpool citizens.

People who maybe had no idea what culture is are now discovering the joys of self expression and sharing this with others.It has given many a sense of pride in their city.There is also the self esteem,confidence and empowerment that this brings.

The City Council has said this is only the beginning and they intend to help to further the city's cultural endeavours for the future years to come.Adults,teenagers and children have certainly been resourceful,often working with low or no budgets to produce projects and artworks.

Without culture life is dull.The superlambananas appeared to be the most popular project and it was a joy to visit as many as possible all over the city.The plateau at St.Georges hall the night before they were auctioned off was buzzing with the crowds that came to say goodbye to them all.It was quite moving being there.I wasn't in town for La Machine's giant mechanical spider but that drew huge crowds who enjoyed walking around town with it.

It would be great if the Council stopped spending so much money on dignitary dinners and demolishing homes (or paying a small fortune hiding neglected buildings with expensive,boring 'artwork') and really connected with the citizens and invested in what they wanted.

Well done to TATE Liverpool for engaging with local groups and asking them what they wanted in the gallery,handing over the whole of the 4th floor for six weeks at the end of the year to local communities.

Although the TATE still employed mostly international artists to run 'the 5th floor ideas taking space' exhibition the locals have been included.It's a radical risk and much needed and appreciated.Expressing ourselves is essential to health and wellbeing.It's also important to experience Liverpool's view of itself.Let's hope this is the beginning of a more inclusive city.

Thanks for reading the blog,hope you enjoyed it !

p.s. What was the point of that hideous,distracting advertising screen going up opposite Lime Street that cost us TWO MILLION pounds ?

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