Monday 30 June 2008

Alternatively Better: holistic healing in Liverpool

Tracey Dunn Reports.

Sadly,I have just found out in the last hour that one of my extended family in North London,where I was born, has been stabbed to death.

Ben Kinsella was the 16 year old brother of ex Eastender actress Brooke Kinsella.

In the week where I pitched my 10 minute screenplay about youth gun crime in front of actress Cathy Tyson and Channel 4 are running a week of programmes called 'Disarming Britain' about youth violence; it seems fitting to be writing about healing.

On Saturday 28th June 'Alternatively Better' of 556-558 Aigburth Road, Liverpool presented a 'feel good day for mind, body and soul' at St. Mary's Church Hall, also in Aigburth.

'Alternatively Better'

Holistic Health Centre & Shop
556-558 Aigburth Road,
Liverpool L19 3QG
Tel. 0151 494 2277

It covers a wide range of complementary and massage therapies including acupuncture, chiropody, food sensitivity testing, homeopathy, hopi ear candles, hot stone therapy, hypnotherapy, indian head massage, remedial/sports massage, reflexology and reiki.

The centre also produces it's own range of products which may treat the menopause, hormonal balance and sensuous exotic massage and bath oils. They also have their own angel protection spray. I was very kindly given a back and head treatment by Helen Turner who also practices reiki and reflexology.

Laura Kemp has been a licensed manufacturer of herbal products including essential oils, tinctures, carrier oils and creams for 6 years. I was especially impressed by her rose geranium cocoa butter heart. Laura buys most of her ingredients from an organic farm in Somerset. Laura aims to be a herbal consultant in the future.

You too could gain help, healing yourself by contacting Jennat or Laura just two of the several North West therapists I met on the day:

Holistix herbal products.
Tel. Tel. 0151 734 1919

Sarah Halliday Tel. 07719716382
(Sarah's mother makes beautiful murano glass and bead jewelery (
Kerry Needs Tel. 0151 494 2277
Alternatively Better

Joseph Clough Tel. 0151 283 1801
Joseph also teaches Neuro linguistic programming,personal development, being your potential and manifesting your dreams.
He's holding a special training day on 16th August 2008

Hilary Hampel. Tel. 0151 931 4116
Hilary has been practising for 19 years and also sells non toxic eco friendly products.

Hilary's machine scans the body against 9,000 homeopathic remedies and brings up what the body needs i.e.nutrition,spiritual or emotional issues and then treats you! Bach flower therapist and 'SCIO' (super consciousness interfacing operating system) machine operator: Tel. Michelle McVey 0151 722 9605

Crystals and holistic courses:
Tel. 01695 725501 or 07711909207
1 Ben Lane cottages, Ben Lane, Bickerstaffe, West Lancashire L39 OHL

Dawn Kirkham is a reiki master from outside Ormskirk who also sells singing bowls, crystals, angel cards, pendulums, incense, smudging sets, crystal spheres and wands.

Dawn runs courses on connecting with angels, psychic development, introduction to crystal healing and is also running a holistic retreat from 3-5 October 2008.

Food sensitivity testing:
Zillah Stevens. Tel. 0151 356 1578 or 07721450693
A 'vega' machine carries out food intolerance testing. It is done by placing glass vials with different foods into the machine to carry out a reading.

Aloe vera products:

Rachael. Tel. 01952 820642 or 07977047291
Rachael promotes 'forever living' products who grow 80% of the world's organic crop.
The drinking gel is the best selling product followed by aloe and propolis which is from bees and good for skin conditions like eczema.

Chinese medicine including 'cupping' and acupuncture:
Andreas Feyler. Tel. 07733231726 or e-mail

I was given a treatment by Andreas who lectures at the North East Wales institite of higher education. I had various glass cups placed on the top of my back and shoulders and air was suctioned out. This treatment invigorates and strengthens the immune system. The glasses were left for just a minute or so in case they left red marks although in London people like the actress Gwynneth Paltrow wear their red circles as fashion statements. I found the cupping (pronounced MHGM in arabic!) a very unusual treatment to rid tension.

zinc testing:
Wendy Rogers. E-mail W. www.rainbow
Wendy Rogers gave me a zinc taste test. All I did was swoosh a clear liquid around my mouth for 10 seconds. I had a good reaction due to the amounts of houmous and chickpeas I eat everyday. Zinc is also found in beans and nuts.

Body Fat Analysis
Laura Carter. Tel. 0151 494 4004.
David LLoyd leisure centre, Speke.
I stood on a machine like weighing scales to be analysed for my fat content. A gentle current was sent through my body to see how much I had. I had too much even though I am thin and it was recommended I drink more water and cut down on crisps. A healthier snack would be chopped cauliflower, carrots or broccoli with a dip of soy sauce, olive oil and basamic vinegar.

Feng Shui and Reiki Master:
Amanda. Tel. on 07788775706

Amanda gives advice and clears energy in buildings using reiki atunements. It is recommended that entrances are clear and bright.The shape of a buliding is important and mirrors are one way of improving an area by energetically extending the space.

Rosetta palmistry and tarot:
Tel. 07908732491

Aura and chakra photography:
Tel. 0161 476 6176

Many thanks to all at 'Alternatively Better' who organised a great day.Also a mention to the people from the church who gave me a stone to remind me always of my spiritual connection to the planet.

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